Unpaid Wages / Wage Violations
Under Iowa law, wages include compensation owed by an employer for work or services performed by an employee, including bonuses and other performance incentives. Under certain circumstances, vacation, paid time off, and sick leave are also considered wages. Employers are legally obligated to pay their employees in regular intervals and Iowa’s Wage Payment Collection Act provides employees relief and damages when their employers fail to pay wages as required under the law.
If your employer failed to pay your wages or a bonus, or paid you less than minimum wage, we may be able to help. Call our office or click here to request our help.
Illegal employment practices can happen in a number of different ways. Unfortunately, employees often do not know when their employers are engaging in conduct that violates the law. That’s where we come in. If you need our help with an employment law or civil rights matter, call our office or fill out this form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.