Wrongful Termination / Whistleblower Protection
“Protected activity” also includes exercising a statutory right or privilege (i.e. filing a work comp claim, reporting child abuse, or seeking unemployment compensation), refusing to commit an unlawful act (i.e. perjury or understaffing a child care center), performing a statutory obligation (i.e. providing truthful testimony), or reporting a violation of the law (i.e. OSHA or IOSHA). People often think of this as “whistleblowing.”
Employers may not fire employees who engage in this type of whistleblowing protected activity.
State, county, city, and public school employees have additional whistleblower protections when they report violation of laws or regulations, mismanagement, gross abuse of funds, an abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety.
If you have been retaliated for reporting wrongdoing, or for exercising your rights under state or federal law, you may have a claim. Call our office or click here to request our help.
Illegal employment practices can happen in a number of different ways. Unfortunately, employees often do not know when their employers are engaging in conduct that violates the law. That’s where we come in. If you need our help with an employment law or civil rights matter, call our office or fill out this form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.